Standards for
Neuro Linguistic Programming

Revised and Adopted September 2008
Neuro Linguistic Programming


A. Duration of Training – Minimum of 120 hours of training in the basics of NLP. Taught by a Certified Master Practitioner of NLP under the supervision of a Certified Trainer of NLP, or a Certified Trainer of NLP, or a Certified Master Trainer of NLP.

B. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of NLP and to utilize them successfully with self and others.

1. Presuppositions of NLP
2. Rapport
3. Sensory Acuity
4. Representational Systems
5. Meta-Model
6. Milton Model
7. Elicitation of well-formed, ecological outcomes and structures of present state
8. Metaphor Creation
9. Frames
10. Anchoring
11. Dissociation and Association
12. Logical Levels of Thinking
13. Submodalities
14. Reframing
15. Strategies
16. Parts Integration


A. Duration of Training – Minimum of 120 hours of advanced NLP training. Taught by a Certified Trainer of NLP or a Certified Master Trainer of NLP. Minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision.

B. Must be at the Practitioner of NLP level.

C. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of NLP and to utilize these successfully with self and with others.

1. All NLP practitioner level skills
2. Design individual interventions
3. Master Practitioner Skills
    a. Meta Programs
    b. Criteria (Values)
        (1) sleight of mouth
    c. Installation and utilization of strategies
    d. Refined use of Submodalities
    e. Negotiations
    f. Presentation skills
    g. Modeling


A. Duration of Training – Minimum of 120 hours of very advanced training. Taught by a Certified Master Trainer of NLP. Minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision.

B. Must be at the Master Practitioner of NLP level.

C. Satisfactory behavioral demonstrations of the following:

1. Successfully complete behavioral demonstrations in all Practitioner and Master Practitioner level skills, ability to do any and all practitioner and master practitioner techniques simultaneously both overtly and covertly.
2. Demonstrate ability to shift between content and form (i.e. between experience and labeling).
3. Ability to do (demonstrate the behavior of) what one is teaching, to teach what one is doing, to teach what one is doing and to label it linguistically (i.e. model self).
4. Demonstration of Presentation and Teaching Skills:

a. Pacing and leading.
b. Respect for the audience (i.e. at least keeping separate your’s and other’s model of the world, and responding to these congruently; considering and responding ecologically to others; conscious and unconscious processes).
c. Answers questions that include discerning the level and intent of questions and generating level-appropriate responses.
d. Design of presentation – At the least, setting opening and closing frames, setting outcomes, chunking and sequencing of information and experience, balancing information – giving information and allowing occasions for discovery, and facilitating generalization of information and skills across context and time.
e. Design of exercises – At the least, providing for both overt and covert learning in each exercise, including previously learned material for cumulative learning, specifying outcomes of exercises, providing a task for all involved persons insuring behavioral learning, and including a future pace.
f. Explanation of exercises including the ability to explain an exercise behaviorally without the use of notes or printed aids.
g. Use of deep and shallow metaphor.
h. Utilization of multi-level feedback – Ongoing re-evaluation and incorporation of overt and covert information from individuals and group.
i. Graceful intervention in groups – At the least maintaining rapport and giving specific sensory grounded feedback, via questions that directionalize appropriate search to facilitate peoples discovery for themselves, demonstration, or if necessary, overtly telling them what to do.
j. “Tasking” – creation of a task that presupposes that a person behaves in a different way that expands his/her model of the world.
k. Performs successful demonstrations.
5. Demonstration of a personal style and artistry (indicating that the new trainer is integrating skills into his/her own behavior).
6. Design in writing, a Practitioner and Master Practitioner NLP Training.


A. Duration of Training – Minimum of three (3) years as lead trainer in Practitioner and Master Practitioner NLP Trainings. Must be taught by a Certified Master Trainer of NLP.

B. Must be at the Trainer of NLP level.

C. Demonstration of the following behavioral competencies:

1. Practitioner, Master Practitioner, and Trainer level of NLP knowledge and techniques.
2. Lead Trainer in at least five (5) Practitioner of NLP Trainings. Proof of trainings necessary.
3. Lead Trainer in at least three (3) Master Practitioner Trainings. Proof of trainings necessary.

D. Documentation of direct supervision by a Certified Master Trainer of NLP doing the training. The result of these evidentiary procedures would be that the Certified Master Trainer of NLP would “know” the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities as an NLP Trainer and would be able to attest to those areas. Documentation would include:

1. Immediate and accurate recall and teaching of any NLP subject from memory (without written notes).
2. Assisting and teaching at three (3) Master Practitioner of NLP Trainings that are taught by a Certified Master Trainer of NLP. Topics of instruction should show variety of material. Quality of instruction should be at satisfactory or higher. Proof and quality of instruction must be signed by the Certified Master Trainer of NLP.
3. Assisting at three (3) consecutive Trainers Trainings for NLP. Proof of assistance with a listing of areas of responsibility that were performed and signed by the Certified Master Trainer of NLP.
4. Able to think and discuss at least two (2) logical levels above the content of Trainer level of NLP.

E. During this process, demonstrate a willingness to learn how to improve his/her knowledge, skills, and abilities in NLP Training by having meetings/discussions with the Certified Master Trainer as needed.

F. There may be additional requirements which are more subjective, and may be discussed with your Certified Master Trainer.

G. Must be approved by two (2) Master Trainers of NLP from different organizations.

Get In Touch

At AIP, we strive to make your experience the best possible. Call us at 1-877-935-0247. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding certification. Our office is located in Las Vegas, NV. Hours of operation are from 4 am to 2 pm PT. Monday through Thursday, holidays excluded.

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1-877-935-0AIP (0247)
The Association for Integrative Psychology, Inc.
10620 Southern Highlands Parkway
Ste 110-228
Las Vegas, NV. 89141